Fun Tower 日本軟式可麗餅
Hi there! Jennels are back this week with our first ever visit to "Fun Tower Japanese Crepes"!!. We were thinking about celebrating the start of our busy school day by hitting the crepes,guys. Here we go!

Strawberry Brownie and Fresh Cream Crepes + Vanilla Ice Cream NTD140
The highlight of this flavor is the combination of fresh cream and brownies, not forget to mention the lovely ice cream! It is surprisingly scrumptious and would definitely make you fall in love with it! The sweet brownies, fresh cream, ice cream and the sour strawberry taste will undeniably make you crave for more!

This crepes shop was originally in Tainan and opened a branch later on in Taichung, it is currently the one and only Japanese crepes shop around. It is very easy to get here either by motorcycle or bus, since it is located near National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. You can get here by taking bus number 5 or 56 and get off at 五權自立街口站, the bus stop is directly in front of the shop, so no need to walk a long road!
Let's go into the shop!
Here is the complete menu
As you can see, the menu is divided into three sections: sweet flavor, salty flavor, and drinks. We only ordered from the sweet flavored crepes, since we were craving for ice cream! Then, we decided to order:
Strawberry Brownie and Fresh Cream Crepes for Elsa and Tiramisu Flavor Crepes for Jennifer! Not to forget our vanilla ice cream! (You pay NTD 25 more for one additional scoop of ice cream, you can choose either vanilla or chocolate flavor.) That day, they had promotional event in which you have to "like" their Facebook page and upload photos of the crepes you have ordered, just by doing that, you can get NT$10 discount!
Here they come, our baby crepes :') Look! How cute they are! What impressed us more is that, the employees here are super friendly! When the server come to deliver our crepes, he held that pink box and said to us: "Hi there, you could take some photos of them first, and I will hold it for you." We were confused because this is the first time that the waiter said this to us, so we stared to each other for a moment before we start taking photos. So funny, right?
The highlight of this flavor is the combination of fresh cream and brownies, not forget to mention the lovely ice cream! It is surprisingly scrumptious and would definitely make you fall in love with it! The sweet brownies, fresh cream, ice cream and the sour strawberry taste will undeniably make you crave for more!

Tiramisu flavor Crepes + Vanilla Ice Cream NTD 120
This one is mostly filled by fresh cream, and it has a bit coffee taste in it (since it's Tiramisu flavor). The cream is thicker and creamier than the ordinary cream, the server said that this cream comes directly from Japan and is their one of secret recipe, no wonder it tastes so good!
Thank you for reading Jennels blog! Say hi to us by leaving comments down below and don't forget to follow our blog to keep up with new stories! Have a nice day everyone :)
Open Hours : 14.00PM-21.00PM, closed on Tuesday
Phone : 04 2223 0220
Location : No 6, Wuquan Rd,West District, Taichung city, 403
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